Since then over 40 people have been killed—mostly suspected traffickers, but also some innocent bystanders, including children, who have been hit by stray bullets.
Since then, dandelions have spread all over.
Since then that share has fallen to just over half. In another decade it could be down to 40%.
Since then, trains have sprung up all over the world and each and every one of them is British at heart. You can't argue with that, can you?
Since then it has grown from about 20 staff to over 80.
Since then, rural areas across the region have been swept up in the ethanol craze, with new facilities sprouting all over corn country (see map).
Since then, my capacities have improved over 50 percent.
But since then, he has thrown his weight around over cabinet appointments, budgetary matters and affairs of state (he recently demanded to meet Barack Obama on a forthcoming visit to Washington).
Last December, Flickr announced that traffic to the mobile site had increased by more than 50% over the last year, and it has made various smaller updates to the site since then.
But since then, although exports stumbled, its imports fell by much more-down by 21% in the 12 months to December (compared with over 30% growth in the first half).
Since adolescents are exposed to considerable screen time - over 4.5 hours on average each day - they’re constantly seeing images of behaviours they can then potentially adopt.
Since then, Thailand and Cambodia have fought sporadically over the site.
The economy has picked up a bit since then, but inflation remains troubling at over 6%.
It is no wonder then that Israel's decision makers are locked in heated debate over what may turn out to be the most important decision taken in Jerusalem since the establishment of the Jewish state.
Since then experts have argued over its age.
Since then that share has fallen to just over half.
Ever since, it has borne a whiff of consumerist self-indulgence, and its advocates then and now are accused of prizing sensation over anything more profound or ostensibly value-laden.
But since then it has risen by only just over 2 per cent against the dollar, and has fallen more than 9 per cent against the euro.
Polio cases have decreased by over 99% since 1988, from an estimated 350 000 cases then, to 1604 reported cases in 2009.
Polio cases have decreased by over 99% since 1988, from an estimated 350 000 cases then, to 1 349 reported cases in 2010.
Since then he has not made any other public appearances, though he has occasionally responded to customer emails over matters such as the iPhone's apparent tracking of user location.
And in fact if you look over the past, the period since then, we've probably earned 100 million dollars from NSA.
Polio cases have decreased by over 99% since 1988, from an estimated 350 000 cases in more than 125 endemic countries then, to 1349 reported cases in 2010.
Polio cases have decreased by over 99% since 1988, from an estimated 350 000 cases in more than 125 endemic countries then, to 1604 reported cases in 2009.
The deal was announced in June, but since then Nokia executives are said to have been fretting over potential hidden liabilities from the bribery scandal.
Since then I’ve taken over 7,500 x-ray images and learned a lot about electromagnetic energy.
Since then she went on to get a 2 Commercial Driver's License so she could 3 team with her 4 over the road truck-driving husband.
Since then, readers have sent us over 20 million true stories and jokes, about 100, 000 of which we've published. And now we're bringing you the best of the best.
Since then, readers have sent us over 20 million true stories and jokes, about 100, 000 of which we've published. And now we're bringing you the best of the best.