The first thing I noticed about the room was the smell.
Phew! I can smell it even now if I think about it too much.
So, if she’s going on a complimenting rampage about your physical appearance or the smell of your cologne, you can take that as a sign that you’ll probably get some kind of action by closing time.
Close your eyes, and think about exactly how your successful outcome will look, will feel, will smell and taste and sound like.
As the smell was really strong, I endured it for only about 3 stops, then got off of the bus and waited for the next one.
So she vanquished them, horse and foot, just as she had vanquished their fathers thirty years before about the smell.
The Whiffy Wonder: You can smell these coworkers wafting about from the other end of the office.
A: Can’t you do something about that smell?
What this tells us about code smell as a mechanism for evaluating code is that it's subjective.
While women should see their gynaecologist if they're worried about a smell, it is supposed to be a natural smell and it can depend on what diet they're eating too.
But lasting relationships are about much more than what we see and smell.
It said that even though consumers had also complained about a moldy smell in Rolaids and Extra-Strength Tylenol, the company had not widened its investigation to include those products.
But about the smell of rancid butter... There are good associations too.
They combine information about the sight, smell and 'feel' of a disease to produce a diagnosis.
List five things that you like about summer. Choose one for each sense: smell, sight, hearing, touch and taste.
From the receptor cells, information about smell travels along nerves to the olfactory bulbs, the parts of the brain where information about smell is processed.
And Shakespeare, it turns out, was wrong about roses: roses by many other names (as told to blindfolded subjects) do not smell as sweet.
Bake until you can smell the chocolate, about 12 minutes.
The scientist started to smell a rat when the visitor, who claimed to be a tourist, began to ask some very specific questions about the research work he was engaged in.
By combining the Repeater Rifle and common acid, you can fire acidic ammunition at the most vicious Nemesis without having to worry about anything but the smell!
The rules of attraction might drive our initial decisions, for better or worse. But lasting relationships are about much more than what we see and smell.
The smell of the new paint will wear off in about a week.
Helen tried to learn about the world around her. She used her sense of touch and her sense of smell.
Helen tried to learn about the world around her. She used her sense of touch and her sense of smell.