The safety-first attitude of clubs in postponing matches, despite playable pitches, appears to be undermining the point of undersoil heating, but caution in the face of a cold snap is understandable.
These are designed to scare gullible traders into offloading their own shares, at which point the HFT investors withdraw their own spoof trades and snap up the real ones.
It was at this point that Yang seemed to "snap" -screaming obscenities in Mandarin while hurling daikon radishes across the table, clearly aiming for the eyes.
MDD is suffering from two limitations. First, the model represents a point-in-time snap shot of the business logic, there are many gaps that people have to fill as they translate it into code.
MDD正遭受两方面限制:首先,模型业务逻辑代表一个瞬间(point - in - time)快照,在人们将其翻译成代码的过程中,存在很多人们必须填补的空白。
If the snap is set to Point, then the left mouse button will simply pick the current cursor position.
Have you ever felt like you are about to snap? Have you ever felt like you are at your breaking point?
The company's paying user base is now at 1.5 million, and that's a committed crew who snap up prepaid game CARDS and in-game point purchases in order to play the games.
The company's paying user base is now at 1.5 million, and that's a committed crew who snap up prepaid game CARDS and in-game point purchases in order to play the games.