Adopting quality brush, suitable softness and hardness, perfect brushing effect.
Another quality of line that's more difficult to achieve is variation in the softness and hardness.
There are natural sceneries as well as artificial ones, both rich in the beauty of movement and tranquility, softness and hardness, black and white.
Taichi carries traditional Chinese philosophy, such as being in harmony with nature and using softness to beat hardness.
As a couple hardness with softness girl, I am self-motivated and bravely to face the challenges.
I think there is only on quality worse that hardness of heart and that is softness of head.
The characteristics of this style of boxing are: move as the situation changes when confronting with the enemy, alternate softness with hardness, and move forward.
Then, all the quantum chemical descriptors including hardness index, softness index, and electronegativity are made to be correlated with the parameters of anesthetic toxicity of organic pollutants.
The machine has vertical crushing structure. Especially it is not limited by viscosity, hardness, and softness of material and has good effect to all materials.
The quantitative scale of the hardness-softness of acids and bases is an important problem yet to be solved in the study of the principles of hard and soft acids and bases.
Yangzhou has a simple and transparent character of water, fresh and lively spiritual water, water hardness and softness in temperament.
Laotse said that "Therefore hardness and stiffness are the companions of death, and softness and gentleness are the companions of life", which is opposite to our common sense.
Using a combination of signs in English and Chinese way of design, fonts hardness and softness, full of charm, and each stroke is carefully designed.
Using a combination of signs in English and Chinese way of design, fonts hardness and softness, full of charm, and each stroke is carefully designed.