Solar-powered flashlight is using solar energy technology and perfect combination of product. LED.
In addition, the transferee company of the Shanghai Solar Energy Technology company 20% of the shares.
Application of solar energy technology has become the most promising concept with respect to energy saving buildings.
Solar energy technology is continuing to make inroads into the world of transportation, most recently for recreational boats.
If we replaced all the solar energy technology, just simple to balance its annual output value will reach 2 trillion yuan (RMB).
Guangdong Aiko solar Energy technology Co., Ltd is a high-technology enterprise integrated with research, production and sales of solar cells.
The technology of amplifying solar energy can save the number of semiconductor materials required for photovoltaic cells.
That means that barring a breakthrough technology in electricity storage, wind and solar are likely to contribute only small - that is, single-digit - percentages of our overall energy needs.
For many years energy efficiency was the poor relation to cutting-edge clean technology initiatives like wind and solar.
Topping the list of recommendations was the promotion of clean energy technology, including solar, wind and hydrogen power.
As a rule, they are in industries designated as "strategic" -notably anything to do with energy, be it wind, solar or stored-and can also be found in medical equipment, drugs and technology.
Molten salt storage could store the solar energy and generate steam to drive a turbine for the hours of non sun generation. The first plant using this technology is being built is Spain.
The best modules made with the new technology convert about 18 percent of the energy in light into electricity — as opposed to 13 percent for the company's original solar panels.
Feed-in tariffs there guarantee 25 years of up to triple the market price for solar energy, and legislation would require all new buildings to include solar technology.
那里的强制性入网税(Feed - in tariffs)保证25年将太阳能源的市场价提高最大三倍,同时通过立法让所有的新建建筑中融入太阳能技术。
Solar energy is the technology used to harness the sun's energy and make it useable. Today, the technology produces less than one tenth of one percent of global energy demand.
By magnifying the solar energy, the technology can reduce the amount of semiconductor material needed for the photovoltaic cell.
At our current level of technology, no conceivable mix of solar, wind, or wave can meet even half the demand for energy.
Solar energy is the technology used to harness the sun's energy and make it useable.
ECO CITY will use wind energy to generate 10% of the complex's power (more than any other high-rise in the world), as well as solar water heating systems and solar-powered lighting technology.
ECO CITY将利用风能产生所使用复合能源的10%(这个值要大于世界上其他任何高层建筑),同时它还将采用太阳能热水系统以及太阳能照明技术。
Solar energy is lauded as an inexhaustible fuel source that is pollution and often noise free. The technology is also versatile.
At some point, solar technology will improve so that electricity generated in our deserts reduces rather than increases our overall energy cost.
Energy saving solar technology will be built into asphalt, paint and Windows.
As the race to create clean, renewable power heats up, the solar industry is focusing on a technology in hopes of producing utility-scale energy.
随着创造清洁可再生能源竞赛地不断升温,太阳能行业正着重开发一种新技术,其有望生产出民用规模(utility - scale)的能源。
King-taiji company's breakthrough core technology has opened up the field of solar energy in all applications.
It is worth mentioning that the sunroof system, using the world's leading VELUX (Wilukes) solar power window technology, intelligent switch fully powered by solar energy.
Doe also doing demonstration projects on energy efficient buildings wind power solar power and geothermal heat pump technology.
What we're going to have to do is to approach it through alternative energy, like solar, and wind, and biodiesel, and, yes, nuclear energy, clean-coal technology.
The technology also could help invigorate the renewable-energy sector by providing efficient, lightning-fast storage for solar power, or, on a small scale, a flash-charge for cell phones and laptops.
The technology also could help invigorate the renewable-energy sector by providing efficient, lightning-fast storage for solar power, or, on a small scale, a flash-charge for cell phones and laptops.