I am spending a lot of money and time on this boat, but it is worth it?
It doesn't have to involve spending a lot of money or time, or joining a parenting group.
Spending a lot of money on a project, activity, or item.
People are spending a lot of money trying to understand it.
Sometimes you have to be clever without spending a lot of money.
It is unwise to anticipate your earnings by spending a lot of money.
One reason is that the billionaire is spending a lot of money on advertising.
You are spending a lot of money in preserving your child's umbilical cord blood.
However, you end up spending a lot of money to try to eke out acceptable performance.
You can end up spending a lot of money on your specialized bike clothes and accessories.
She'd begun spending a lot of money, and the obvious inference was that she'd stolen it.
We all want adventure, excitement, great food, and nice hotels without spending a lot of money!
I do this because that is probably when I know I'm specifically going to be spending a lot of money.
Unfortunately there was a lot of indication that we are going to be spending a lot of money, I'm not sure to what effect.
And those sorts of things will prevent disease rather than spending a lot of money treating the end stage of the disease.
If you are spending a lot of money on activities such as going out, maybe try doing things that don't cost as much, or better yet, free.
Doing this MBA program means spending a lot of money and putting in three years of hard weekend work on top of the managerial jobs we already hold.
A man surnamed Zeng said he felt like a "marriage slave" who fell into trouble in life after spending a lot of money on his wedding ceremony and banquets.
The former General Director of the Bianconeri commented ironically on the fact that the Old Lady has been spending a lot of money during this transfer market.
The reason that non-profits need help, they say, is they they’re often cost constrained – or if they’re not, they get criticized for spending a lot of money on flashy websites.
Some are now spending a lot of money on building integrated systems of the kind that a few banks, such as Deutsche, JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs, had in place before the crisis.
现在很多银行都在新系统中运用《新巴塞尔协议》( 关于统一国际银行的资本计算和资本标准的协议 )中的标准测算风险。
They're spending a heck of a lot of money.
Experts say most of us really only need to pay attention to a few basic beauty secrets - essentials that can help you look and feel great without spending a lot of time or money.
What we have to do is just to have small adjustment of 1 percent of our GDP; 1 percent of our spending is not a lot of money.
What we have to do is just to have small adjustment of 1 percent of our GDP; 1 percent of our spending is not a lot of money.