Whenever someone claims that a browser is or is not "standards compliant," I have got to laugh.
Behind the scenes, developers have made the browser more compliant with software standards, so that pages in IE8 will look the same as in any other browser.
XHTML might make your pages more standards-compliant, but its verbose use of tags (the mandatory and tags) means more code for the browser to download.
Many times, when designers say a browser is not standards compliant, what they are really encountering is the flexibility given to user agents in how to render tags.
If a browser is web standards compliant and a website is built according to web standards, then they'll display just fine... on any device (iPhone, PC, Blackberry, iPad etc.).
Accessible from anywhere — the code editor should work from anywhere, and from any device, using any modern standards-compliant browser.
While other browsers have come and gone, Firefox is now the gold standard for what an open, secure, and standards-compliant browser should be.
IE9 reports a UA string, version vector, and document mode to match the default browser behavior, which is the most standards-compliant mode in IE9.
IE9 reports a UA string, version vector, and document mode to match the default browser behavior, which is the most standards-compliant mode in IE9.