So what do British toy shops say about the state of the nation today?
In the current state of the nation Swift asserts it to be impossible.
Each star on the flag of the United States stands for a state of the nation.
Created by a nation proverb marks the mental state of the nation and civilization degree.
The third part: the education about the state of the nation teaching adaptation should pay attention question.
On October 8, I will be delivering my first policy address - our equivalent of your state of the nation address.
The second part: Has conducted the practice research to the education about the state of the nation teaching adaptation.
Social mobility receded as a topic for a while, as playwrights like David Hare turned to scrutinising the state of the nation.
Although these new Numbers are staggering, it should be noted that these Numbers reflect the state of the nation one year ago, in 2008.
During his annual state of the nation address, Medvedev said Russia needed to "objectively assess" whether these sprawling zones could be reduced.
In his annual state of the nation address, Mr Zuma said he was concerned that unemployment and poverty persisted despite 10 years of economic growth.
Combine foreign advanced experience through the dentistry teaching research of more than 30 years, press Chinese state of the nation to develop 200 various products.
Because of convenience into practice can line character education for with extensive crowd's foundation, calligraphy educating is suiting the Chinese state of the nation.
The term "nation-state", Hill and Spicer argue, blurs the internal cultural and linguistic multiplicity of states that could more precisely be called "conquest states".
The nation-state, though he was well aware of its parochial and xenophobic limitations, seemed to be liberty's best incubator.
Climate, scenery and history aside, the nation of Ireland and the state of Nevada have much in common.
Mr Zuma has been accused of weak leadership, particularly since his dreary state-of-the-nation speech earlier this month.
Poland should shame every nation that believes peace and reconciliation are impossible, every state that believes the sacrifice of new generations is needed to avenge the grievances of history.
And the nation state, though he was well aware of its parochial and xenophobic limitations, seemed to be liberty's best incubator.
The national emblem is the badge representing the state and a symbol of the nation.
The Libyan people have regained a sense of their own leadership of the nation and the state.
In the new nation emerged two kinds of bank -the commercial Banks chartered by state legislatures and the bank of the United States deriving its authority by act of the U.S.Congress.
Benedict Anderson thought print helped readers of a common language in a highly fragmented Europe think of themselves as an "imagined community, " crucial to forming the modern nation-state.
本尼迪克特.安德森 (Benedict Anderson )认为,印刷术促使支离破碎的欧洲大陆上共用一种语言的读者自视为“想象共同体”,这对现代民族国家的形成极为重要。
Over the last two centuries, his vision of the nation-state has become the norm. But why?
The origin of the nation-state idea is unclear.
The origin of the nation-state idea is unclear.