Douglas: OK. I think we can stop at this point.
The kernel will stop at this point when the ISR schedules the tasklet/bottom half.
当ISR对这个tasklet/bootomhalf 进行调度时,内核就会在这个断点处停止。
This is the kind of coiling you'll need to generate power. The racquet, however, would never stop at this point, it's a continuous movement.
At this point, my brain is oxygen-starved, so we stop.
The normal TDD approach at this point is to stop testing and start fixing until the test passes.
At this point in the conversation, however, most developers will stop, cock their head to one side, and ask (quite rightfully), "But... why?"
While this could work in the very short term, the reality is that there is no way to stop home price declines at this point.
That is the created world, but he doesn't stop there And he creates various heavenly bodies at this point.
However, at this point, the security measures stop.
Raiders strikes this perfect balance and at no point did I stop believing in it.
At this point, I have covered the basics of the class diagram, but do not stop reading yet!
A reminder, when you go back to the original server you might need to stop and restart all the node agents at this point, depending upon how you chose to change the IP address, described earlier.
At this point, you can stop the daemon (which eliminates the FD and, hence, the deleted file), copy the temporary file to where it is expected, and then restart the daemon.
Remember last time at the end of class we were trying to figure out what exactly happens near the bottom point, when we have this motion that seems to stop and go backwards.
At this point, it's probably a good idea to stop and talk about user interaction.
If you want to run the EJB at this point (you'll need to stop and start the server) and retrieve the customer data, you will need to execute the methods in this sequence.
We are still not done at this point, close the Web browser and stop server1 since we have not updated the server configuration with the JDBC driver and data source for the SAMPLE database.
Note that this command starts Snort in the foreground; if you press Ctrl+C at this point, and get your terminal prompt back, you stop Snort's logging.
请注意,这条命令在前台启动Snort;如果此时按下 Ctrl+C,重新调出终端提示符,也就中止了 Snort 的记录。
At this point, you don't need to stop to look up anything that gives you trouble-just get a feel for the author's tone, style, and main idea.
At this point, it's probably best to stop hitting me and let your husband drive.
If something is bad, we suppress it because we don't want to look at it. At this point, we also stop releasing.
At this point you persist till you succeed and nothing can stop you.
It may be that we are at this point right now... but that doesn't stop us to try and strive for this other better goal.
"Anybody who talks repeal of the health care reform at this point is asking to stop a lot of progress that should be done and is already in place," he said.
OK. At this point, if we stop, you'll think all algorithms are linear. This is really boring.
At this point, stop and take a plain piece of paper out.
At this point, stop and take a plain piece of paper out.