The heroic effort of the passengers on United Flight 93, which was suspected to be in line to strike a Washington target on 9/11/2001, comes to mind.
Following the Nato air strike in Kunduz 10 days ago, bereaved civilians formed a line so that they might receive a charred corpse to call their own.
I could just see in the moonlight as far to my left and right that I could see a staggered line of craters into the darkness, and then realized this had been a B52 strike.
月光下在我目视所见范围内的左右各有一条交错的弹坑一直延伸到黑暗之中,我马上意识到这是一次B - 52轰炸后留下来的痕迹。
Combination of logging information and data, the method was identified which was in line with the use of rock mechanics parameters to strike a formation pressure.
When the strike of fault is not parallel with the measuring line in the gateway, the reconstruction image of fault in coal seam is clear.
Their capital is a mix of common equity, which is first in line when losses strike, and various other instruments, often hybrids of equity and debt.
Since your storyboard has a deadline and needs to take its proper place in the production line, you'll need to strike a balance between having it be too perfectly clear or too skechy.
Since your storyboard has a deadline and needs to take its proper place in the production line, you'll need to strike a balance between having it be too perfectly clear or too skechy.