This article mainly introduces the design of coiler driving for aluminium strip non-reversing cold rolling mill, and the mechanical gear shift has been application to this driving design.
Coiler is one of the most important assistant equipment for steel rolling. It is used to coil strip into coiled steel.
The purpose of the article is to study the correlation between mandrel and pinch rolls of down-coiler according to the requirement coiling strip.
Down coiler is one of the key equipment for hot strip mill, the deviation angle of tension roll is of great importance to biting into coiler successfully.
The expansion of coiler during hot strip coiling was simulated with FEM method.
This paper mainly discusses how the system used in Angang 1700 hot strip mill down-coiler. And it also shows the principle of down-coiler tension control.
This paper mainly discusses how the system used in Angang 1700 hot strip mill down-coiler. And it also shows the principle of down-coiler tension control.