Now, with the subprime lending crisis, I think Wall Street's jittery.
Since the outbreak of Subprime Lending Crisis in 2007, it has seriously impacted the international financial order and caused a fierce effect on the credit crunch.
"Because of the subprime lending crisis in the U. S. , American merchants are reducing their orders or not paying on time, " says Zhu Changling, vice-president of the China National Furniture Assn.
Prof Feldstein also noted the damage done to the financial markets by the crisis in subprime lending.
It all began more than a year ago in America with the subprime-lending crisis and then the doubling of oil prices.
Many people blame irresponsible lending to people with risky credit histories for the current subprime mortgage crisis.
The crisis rooted in real estate and subprime lending.
And the Banks are not confined to lending to British residents; as the crisis has also shown, British Banks are exposed to everything from subprime housing in Florida to office blocks in Dubai.
Arguably, adds Prof. Chang, investment Banks suffering from the subprime-lending crisis were too optimistic while Goldman Sachs, which plotted out disaster scenarios, has thrived.
EdwardChang补充说,那些太过乐观的投行在次级抵押贷款危机中遭受了重创,而高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group)当初却预见到了灾难性的前景,最终得以全身而退。
Arguably, adds Prof. Chang, investment Banks suffering from the subprime-lending crisis were too optimistic while Goldman Sachs, which plotted out disaster scenarios, has thrived.
EdwardChang补充说,那些太过乐观的投行在次级抵押贷款危机中遭受了重创,而高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group)当初却预见到了灾难性的前景,最终得以全身而退。