Mrs. Yang is our supply teacher today because our English teacher caught a cold last night.
For two years up to 2004, I taught in mixed comprehensives, and since then I have worked as a supply teacher in London.
The robot supply teacher was capable of catching students passing notes and copying homework as well as giving them a rather stern telling off.
The supply teacher blurted out : "it's your parents who leave out presents on Christmas Day" when excited youngsters got rowdy as they talked about Christmas.
The supply teacher blurted out: "it's your parents who leave out presents on Chrsitmas Day" when excited youngsters got rowdy as they talked about Christmas.
Mr Gove had already announced plans to restrict public funding for teacher training to graduates with a good degree: thanks to the economic downturn, such applicants are in plentiful supply.
A good teacher is the one from whom the more we need academically, the more she can supply.
As a matter of fact, the teacher virtuous accomplishment and limitation and teacher capacity supply are the main causes of teacher troops construction.
The quantity and the quality of teachers are two important dimensions of teacher supply.
My teacher set out to teach us about production, supply and demand-things twelve-year-olds have no interest in.
If cash is in short supply, you can try to work out a trade for services arrangement with the teacher in which you do home maintenance or some other mutually agreed upon service in return for lessons.
Supply all kinds of wood carvings, handicrafts, statues, sculpture teacher can be on-demand, please consult.
Supply all kinds of wood carvings, handicrafts, statues, sculpture teacher can be on-demand, please consult.