Second, "from" -sentence syntactic analysis.
Chinese syntactic analysis method based on LR algorithm is presented in this paper.
The syntactic analyzer makes lexical analysis and syntactic analysis on the query, and sets up syntactic tree from the structure of the query.
The process of the intelligent scoring is divided into three main steps: Chinese word segmentation, syntactic analysis and similarity computation.
Use of structural information and lexicalization are two of the main challenges facing syntactic analysis, and they are investigated in this paper.
There are two representations in the functional syntactic analysis within systemic functional grammar. One is a box diagram; the other is a tree diagram.
Decomposition policy can divide syntax analysis tasks into different levels of small tasks, which rather than on the complete syntactic analysis is feasible.
Principally depending on word collocation information, its deep analysis module combines syntactic analysis and semantic analysis to determine sentence structure.
In English syntactic analysis, four phrasal categories are commonly recognized and discussed. They are noun phrase(NP), verb phrase(VP), prepositional phrases(PP), adjective phrase(AP).
In order to build a complete analysis system of Chinese syntactic rules, we have defined the sets of words, attribute, pinyin, relations, terminals and non terminals for the syntactic analysis.
The advantage of the method is the task of syntactic analysis can be step by step processing, and simplification of the complex sentence, so enhanced the speed and accuracy of syntactic analysis.
Having introduced the compile technology into the process of NC code analysis, the process of NC code compile is divided into three stages: Lexical analysis, Syntactic analysis and NC code Conversion.
Syntactic and semantic score can be combined with traditional syntactic and semantic analysis, thus natural languages can be analyzed effectively.
Chapter Two gives a detailed analysis of the syntactic structure and function of the verb Imperative.
The verbs' syntactic treatment model is upon the dissective analysis of various types of verbs and their basic syntactic patterns.
All USES of BNF in the next chapter (' lexical Analysis') are lexical definitions; USES in subsequent chapters are syntactic definitions.
Through the analysis of two samples, this thesis generalizes the stylistic characteristics of English business contracts at lexical, syntactic and textual levels.
Conversion analysis can differentiation the grammatical form of syntactic isomorphism.
SYNAC is a syntactic analyzer based on some semantic analysis, which USES Definite Clause Grammar as its expressing tool. It can process more complicate sentences.
It provides rich methods for pattern analysis, signal processing, syntactic pattern recognition and other pattern recognition fields.
Many scholars in China focus on probing into ambiguous phenomena. Based on the analysis of syntactic ambiguities, this paper tentatively offers some approaches to eliminating and interpreting them.
After detailed analysis and comparison, we can conclude that sentence-initial noun phrases have advantages in the syntactic position, there is a certain topicality.
After detailed analysis and comparison, we can conclude that sentence-initial noun phrases have advantages in the syntactic position, there is a certain topicality.