US billionaire t Boone Pickens plans to build the world's largest wind farm in Texas.
Advocates like the former oil tycoon T. Boone Pickens have also long sought to promote it as a substitute for coal in electricity generation or gasoline in a new generation of natural gas cars.
In the United States, t. Boone Pickens, the Oklahoma oil tycoon who leased hundreds of thousands of acres in West Texas for a giant wind farm, has now delayed the project.
在美国俄克拉荷马州石油巨头t.Boone Pickens租赁了德克·萨斯西部几十万英亩的土地作为巨型风力农场,目前这个计划已经搁置了。
The critic in question, however, is a Republican oilman: T. Boone Pickens.
不过,正在质疑的批评家是共和党的一位石油大亨:布恩·皮肯斯(T . Boone Pickens)。
An indication of the way the wind is blowing came in July when T. Boone Pickens, an oilman turned clean-energy entrepreneur, decided to call off plans for the world's biggest wind farm, in Texas.
Boone Pickens(注3),这位由石油转行作清洁能源的企业家,决定叫停在德州修建的世界最大风电场,预示着7月“风向”起了变化。
T. Boone Pickens backed off of his much ballyhooed mega-wind project in Texas this week, citing the declining cost of natural gas.
鉴于目前天然气价格的下降,T . Boone Pickens在本周撤销了在得克萨斯州(Texas)建立巨型风电场的项目,这个项目还曾经被大肆宣传过。
T. Boone Pickens backed off of his much ballyhooed mega-wind project in Texas this week, citing the declining cost of natural gas.
鉴于目前天然气价格的下降,T . Boone Pickens在本周撤销了在得克萨斯州(Texas)建立巨型风电场的项目,这个项目还曾经被大肆宣传过。