Take a look at your 'to Do' list before agreeing to take on extra work.
Without set responsibilities and expectations, work gets muddled, employees take on extra work, and teams become burdened and frustrated.
Mothers often take on extra work to support their daughter's education and without their mothers' help, it would be next to impossible for these girls to continue their studies.
We asked family and friends for help, and we arranged to take on extra work. The next day, we called to make a new offer, slightly higher than our first one, still shy of the owner's counter price.
I can't take on any extra work.
Take on extra responsibility at work.
You can use the extra time to work on your career, volunteer in your community, or take classes for job advancement or just for personal enrichment.
You can always work harder, and take on extra tasks to please your boss or yourself or to accomplish even more, even better.
As firms downsize, many employees are being forced to take on lots of extra work.
Don't take on too much work - the extra cash isn't worth it.
It's unpaid, but I can then take an extra day off. So, if I work an extra 8 hours on a Thursday night, I can take Friday off.
Employees have to do work extra hours frequently and some of them needs to be on business trips. They have no time to take the classes but they need to learn English. How will you solve the problem?
Employees have to do work extra hours frequently and some of them needs to be on business trips. They have no time to take the classes but they need to learn English. How will you solve the problem?