Oh, I had done the normal "motherly" things, like making sure my daughter got to ballet and tap and gym lessons.
An organization usually only has so much tolerance in how much they want to tap into reserves, like an individual tapping into a savings account.
And asking people to make assessments based on a brief article and video is like asking physicians to diagnose patients remotely. But I'd like to tap into the wisdom that you have accumulated.
Tap the file you'd like to play to begin playback on your computer.
If there is a standard definition, it involves computing that is not so much a product you have to install and maintain but a service you tap into like a utility.
"We like to tap FAO's experience," he says.
Also, substituting beverages like soda for filtered tap water is another healthy way to save.
General Motors is among several global auto companies hoping to tap the potential of emerging markets like India.
The problem for the euro area is that it has trouble-spots, like Greece, with worse than average finances, and no means (until now) to tap the credit of their thriftier brethren.
Yahoo! 's corporate research unit, like others, has hit upon a strategy to tap into fresh ideas and young talent at universities.
The deal may signal the start of a smart-grid buying spree for cash-equipped conglomerates like Toshiba eager to tap the vast capital outlays expected from electric utilities over the next decade.
The way we like to do that is to tap into the region of the brain called pre-motor cortex.
Tap online resources to research the companies you'd most like to work for and for positions that you're truly qualified to fill.
I realized, Oh, this is like having a workplace on tap. People to talk to and people who reply.
"Trying to tap into neural activity outside of the skull and listen in to what is happening in the brain is like trying to hear a mosquito from the other side of a wall," says Pomerleau.
i like to tap the word, dont ask me to do it.that's just for the talking, for your to figure out.
WebTV (1995) : Getting the Web to display on a typical TV in 1995 was like watching an elephant tap-dance — you were amazed not that it could do it well but that it could do it at all.
And the tools to tap and manipulate all this data can be found at sites like Dapper and Kapow.
Features like infrastructure-as-a-service and platforms-as-a-service that allow companies to tap into cloud-based software;
构建 “基础架构即服务”(infrastructure-as-a-service)和“平台即服务”(platforms-as-a-service)等产品功能,以使企业能够使用基于云计算的软件。
Social networks like Facebook can provide online marketers hyper-targeted advertising opportunities that can tap into new customer segments and serve as a complement to other paid search programs.
Bullies know that they can tap into that anger whenever they like and use it to control their target, often by obtaining an inappropriate release of that anger.
All this means that like most modern sites - including our own - text, links, and buttons will rearrange and resize themselves to make it easier to read content or tap buttons.
TV adaptations of the "Four GREat Classical Novels" are like tap water in China - no matter how low the creative reservoir appears to sink, the supply never seems to run dry.
That day, I came back in the restroom to wash their hands, found the tap is out of order, a clear water like a waterfall flowing, I had thought to turn it off, but can't get it, turn the tap off.
And just like the ladies in the purple hats, sometimes you simply have to wear tap shoes to the grocery store—if for nothing else, just the sheer joy of hearing the click, click, click.
I'd really like to tap into the overseas market. I think there's a lot of business opportunities there.
I really like to tap into the overseas market.
Iceland's a Nordic country so, like Norway, it's able to tap into the system.
Is used for antifreeze antifreeze misunderstanding led to a lot of owners like in the summer instead of pure water with tap water or antifreeze, in fact, this is absolutely not desirable.
Is used for antifreeze antifreeze misunderstanding led to a lot of owners like in the summer instead of pure water with tap water or antifreeze, in fact, this is absolutely not desirable.