Indeed, sites with engravings of geometric shapes are also to be found on the island of Tasmania, which was separated from the mainland of the continent some 10,000 years ago.
Australian wildlife rescuers were using jetskis and small boats today to try to save nearly 200 pilot whales and a small pod of dolphins beached on an island between the mainland and Tasmania.
A LONG time ago, the rising seas turned Tasmania into an island.
That reluctance has provided an opportunity for the rugged island of Tasmania, which began producing opium in 1970 and currently accounts for about half the world's legal crop.
The marsupials of Tasmania have found a means of passing the time on Australia's island state that could also explain mysterious local crop circles.
Morning Mist, Rock Island Bend, Franklin River, south-west Tasmania, Australia.
Morning Mist, Rock Island Bend, Franklin river, Southwest Tasmania, Australia. This iconic photograph was instrumental in allowing the rivers to run free.
Ms Donaldson comes from the island of Tasmania. Her father is a maths professor and her stepmother is British author Susan Moody. Her natural mother died in 1997.
Australian emergency workers are searching dozens of burned-out homes and cars on the island of Tasmania, where more than 40 wildfires continue to burn.
It is the capital of Tasmania, the smallest, most southerly and only island state of Austrilia.
Other sailors had already charted parts of the west and north coasts of Australia and the island of Tasmania in the south, but Cook was the first to map the east coast.
At least 80 whales and dolphins have died after beaching themselves on a remote island between the Australian mainland and the country's island state of Tasmania.
This is happening on the island of Tasmania.
Pictured above is the eighth at Barnbougle Dunes on the island of Tasmania.
A commonwealth comprising the continent of Australia, the island state of Tasmania, two external territories, and several dependencies.
A commonwealth comprising the continent of Australia, the island state of Tasmania, two external territories, and several dependencies.