Gary Bist is a Staff Technical Writer at IBM's Toronto Lab.
You will NOT find a better technical writer than me. Guaranteed.
Robert Pickering is a Software Engineer and Technical Writer.
Expert technical writer whose written for Microsoft and ebay.
After posting an opening for a technical writer, Mr. Mc- Gloon received “dozens and dozens” of résumés.
Additionally, IBM has assigned a full time technical writer to the project, and he has created migration guides from JBoss to Geronimo.
In some respects, this project reflects a breakdown of business intelligence; I played the role of QA, technical writer, and development lead.
Indeed, by the time I was 31 I was married and had two daughters, and I was working as a technical writer and web guy in the computer industry.
Tamu Townsend, a 37-year-old technical writer in Montreal, said she regularly received prompts to connect with acquaintances and friends who had died.
That person is the technical writer, a.k.a thetechnical communicator, who creates a host of documentation to support newtechnology, products and services.
这类人就是技术文档工程师,又称之为技术文档沟通者。 这些人的职责就是撰写一系列的技术文档,为新技术、产品或服务提供信息支持。
Just as it is not a good idea to hire a technical writer to write a legal contract, one would not use a technical translator to attempt a literary translation.
The submitter can be anyone — for example, any Support engineer (TSE), Developer (Dev), Quality engineer (QE), technical writer (Doc), or manager (Mgr). A submitter can.
提交者可以是任意一个人——例如,任意的支持工程师(Support engineer,TSE)、开发人员(Developer,Dev)、质量工程师(Quality engineer,QE)、技术文档作者(Doc),或经理(manager,mgr)。
"It's a charming language with fascinating literature," said Greg Wasson of Escondido, a retired technical writer and former director of what is now is called EsperantoUSA.
Of course, citing numbers may be easier for a sales pro than a technical writer, but even occupations that arenhjteshufuhaot number-driven can usually be quantified somehow.
But the decision to turn the notes into a textbook was precipitated by the arrival at MIT of Tom Cormen, a graduate student who, Leiserson says, “was just a very gifted technical writer.
Demoralized by his growing stack of rejection slips, Chiang considered abandoning fiction entirely after graduation, when he moved to Seattle to take a job as a technical writer at Microsoft.
Writing screenplays for movies is a technical process, but once the technical aspects are mastered, a writer can focus on the story and other elements that make a screenplay great.
Ken Milberg is a Technology Writer and Site Expert for and provides Linux technical information and support at
Ken Milberg是 techtarget.com网站的技术作家和网站专家,并且在 网站提供Linux技术信息和支持。
He is also a writer and technical editor for IBM Systems Magazine, Open Edition.
Possessed of the most remarkable time sense of the period between wars, his disillusioned temperament and technical skill have influenced a whole generation of writer.
In this paper, the writer presents his individual viewpoint on the existing technical check problems of optional volleyball course.
In the text, the writer puts forward a video surveillance system based on cable Internet protocol (IP), and analyzes the feasibility of the technical and installation program.
On the base of the analysis, the writer brings forward three countermeasures, which including technical control, moral criterion and law control, to eliminate the Internet communication obstacles.
The writer probes the system of technical advisor under different litigation systems in a comparative method in order to obtain a new useful knowledge.
The text does research on IC read-writer technical questions. The involved procedures have been passed in the practical system.
The text does research on IC read-writer technical questions. The involved procedures have been passed in the practical system.