Check out this four-year-old boy swimming with the beluga whale.
The beluga, or white whale, is one of the smallest species of whale.
Much of the beluga caviar existing in the world is found in the Soviet Union and Iran.
Commonly referred to as the melonhead, the beluga is an Arctic and sub-Arctic cetacean.
Although some people use these names interchangeably, porpoises are actually a larger group that also includes animals like the orca and the beluga whale.
These remarkable pictures show how beluga whales help human visitors to swim under the thick ice.
The inlet hosts beluga whales, which could soon be added to the endangered species list.
But it's exactly what is required for polar bears, ring seals, and the snowy-white beluga whales — the highly vocal canaries of the sea.
The park is also home to the Vancouver Aquarium, which features a popular beluga whale show and a good cafeteria with coffee for footsore parents.
That's real Beluga caviar in the first class dining room sequence.
Up close: a diver swims with two white beluga whales under the ice in the white Sea, Russia.
Underwater love: the two beluga whales swim with a diver near the opening of the dive hole.
Putin had arrived for the dive a day after clipping a satellite transmitter onto a Beluga whale called on Chkalov island in Russia's far east.
此次潜水的前2天,普京还曾到俄罗斯的远东地区契卡洛夫岛(Chkalov island),亲自为一头大白鲸安装无线电信号发射器。
Beluga usually ranges from purple to black, the palest being the most expensive.
In the late 1980's, a whale thought to be a narwhal-beluga mix turned up in west Greenland.
The test cluster described in this article is comprised of three nodes: beluga-bvn-05 is the administration node, and beluga-bvn-06 and beluga-bvn-07 are the data nodes.
本文所描述的测试集群由三个节点组成:beluga - bvn - 05是管理节点,beluga - bvn - 06与beluga - bvn -07是数据节点。
The inlet hosts beluga whales which could soon be added to the endangered species list.
The Best grade, Beluga, is prepared from large Black or gray eggs; fresh Beluga is relatively scarce and thus expensive.
When I arrived at the site in June most of the20or so surviving beluga whales each at least12feet long were clustered near a hole that measured about10feet by16.
That39; s real Beluga caviar in the first class dining room sequence.
It's a captive beluga whale named NOC. And researchers say it's his attempt to mimic the sound of humans talking.
What is known is that although the situation might seem like shooting fish in a barrel the bears don't just grab a beluga and call it dinner.
The second largest habitat was designed to copy the natural environment of beluga whales.
A pod of beluga whales diving to feed in Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada. The whale nearest to the photographer is releasing air to aid its descent.
But the most unusual request? One from the Georgia Aquarium asking to move four beluga whales and six whale sharks to its facility over the course of two-and-a-half years.
Located amid the port of Yokohama Bay, the relatively new site has fast become one of the country's premier visitor attractions thanks to its cheeky beluga whale.
The Rusalka caviar eggs are about two to 3.5 millimeters in diameter, slightly smaller than Beluga caviar, and light gray in color.
The Rusalka caviar eggs are about two to 3.5 millimeters in diameter, slightly smaller than Beluga caviar, and light gray in color.