That then prompted a series of headlines including this from the Sunday Times of London, entitled 'Big Bang Machine Could Destroy Earth'.
The machine, which was designed to smash together beams of protons in a bid recreate conditions after the Big Bang, was launched with great fanfare last year.
"With nuclear collisions, the LHC has become a fantastic 'Big Bang' machine," said ALICE spokesperson jurgen Schukraft.
“大型强子对撞机通过核对撞成为了一台神奇的‘大爆炸制造机’,”ALICE实验的发言人jurgen Schukraft说。
"With nuclear collisions, the LHC has become a fantastic 'Big Bang' machine," said ALICE spokesperson jurgen Schukraft.
“大型强子对撞机通过核对撞成为了一台神奇的‘大爆炸制造机’,”ALICE实验的发言人jurgen Schukraft说。