Just over a week ago, Newsweek announced that it is going to merge with the online magazine the Daily Beast.
These World Cup 2010 players won't be featured in Vanity Fair, Cosmopolitan or The Daily Beast for their looks。
A well-placed source in the industry told the Daily Beast that the actual number of women may, in fact, be as high as 20.
The expressions on the older mens' faces ranged from blank stares to annoyance and total confusion, the Daily Beast reports.
A young woman from Tehran told the Daily Beast that she is impatiently waiting to find an underground copy of Circumstance in Tehran.
There are some dangers associated with the technology, Oxley told The Daily Beast. All stents run the risk of causing blood clots and strokes.
With college graduation ceremonies just weeks away The Daily Beast tallies the statistics to figure out which majors—from engineering to mathematics—are most valuable.
眼看毕业季几周后就要到来,The Daily Beast综合多项数据为你评选出了包括工程学和数学在内的最具价值的20个大学专业。
With college graduation ceremonies just weeks away, The Daily Beast tallies the statistics to figure out which majors—from engineering to mathematics—are most valuable.
眼看毕业季几周后就要到来,The Daily Beast综合多项数据为你评选出了包括工程学和数学在内的最具价值的20个大学专业。
South Korea has been ranked the 15th laziest country in the world (and the first in Asia) by the Daily Beast. And there's every reason to assume they'll get even lazier.
“She very seldom took directions as to expressions oremotions, ” Schiller told The Daily Beast. “If you gave her a scarf, she knewhow to play with it like a child would with a toy.
The good news is that there were a few skeptics, even during the height of the mania: Howard Kurtz of The Daily Beast, James Fallows of The Atlantic and Jonathan Chait of The New Republic.
The sequel to last year's The Hunger Games, adapted from US writer Suzanne Collins' novel, is "bigger, crisper, more thought-out, and more polished", according to a review in The Daily Beast.
该片是去年上映的影片《饥饿游戏》的续集,同样改编自美国作家苏珊•柯林斯的同名小说。 《每日野兽》发表影评称该片“场面更宏大、节奏更加清晰明快、剧情更加滴水不漏、制作也更为考究”。
On one extreme, we have toilers who feed the beast on a daily basis, always on the edge of burn-out;
On one extreme, we have toilers who feed the beast on a daily basis, always on the edge of burn-out;