The first thing viewers usually say when they see me in the flesh is "You're smaller than you look on TV."
The first thing visitors see from the museum's main entrance on the fourth floor is a very large display called a panorama.
Especially when you get home from school or work, or return from any other public places, the first thing you should do is to turn on the tap, pick up the soap and wash your hands completely.
The first thing they prayed for was food. The next morning, the first man saw a fruit-bearing tree on his side of the island, and he was able to eat its fruit.
The first thing which we’ve done in every example so far is configure a simple file poller on the file system.
So the first thing you need to do is provide some space on the page for your comments.
The first thing you'll notice when you look at your updated inbox is that the navigation panels on the left side – including labels and chat – now stay with you as you scroll.
I picked the first thing I saw on the menu.
This works well whether it's first thing in the morning, or right after work, or during lunch or on the weekends.
You've read plenty of advice telling you to close the inbox, to avoid checking emails first thing in the day, and to get on with your key tasks first.
"In we come, and the first thing I see is Leslie standing in the kitchen like a mother on a television show," he says.
The first thing on most peoples' minds after they hear the news of a horrific disaster (like the earthquake in Japan) is, what can I do to help?
The first thing he did is he killed every product line the company was working on.
Check-in call to parent or an arranged substitute is the first thing the child does on arriving home.
The first thing is we started on a difficult wicket, because there was no structured training spanning the whole spectrum.
The first thing you'll notice in the gadget definition is the attribute on the element.
在这个小工具定义中,首先要注意的一点是 元素上的属性。
It's was Boston's first title since the passing of Auerbach, whose signature victory cigar was the only thing missing on this night.
The tasting center inside the Nestle compound in Pu 'er was tiny, but the first thing we saw was a table with cups of coffee on top and spittoons next to each chair for the Nestle tasting panel.
Martin Eden, the first thing to-morrow you go to the free library an 'read up on etiquette.
What I hope for now is the same thing I hoped for on the first day of war in Misrata.
John McCarthy, one of AI's fathers, thought when he convened the first conference on the subject in 1956, that they'd be able to wrap the whole thing up in six months.
As more than one commentator pointed out, the only unusual thing about the players' mutiny was that it was probably the first time that French millionaires have gone on strike.
When my wife saw the accident on television the first thing she did was put the volume down, completely, because she didn't want to hear anything.
So the first thing we got to do is sort of lock on to the tonic.
The logo is important because it is the first thing that visitors pay attention to, and usually it is also the image that will stick on their mind once they are gone.
He was transferred to a regular room, and the first thing he did was smack his head on the door.
The first thing they can do is have him on the floor enough to help the team and to be able to make a real evaluation on what he's going to be in this next chapter of his career.
When I want a user to log in, for example, the first thing I need to be able to search on would be the username.
When I want a user to log in, for example, the first thing I need to be able to search on would be the username.