The Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative and the Sustainability Consortium both aim to create international standards to tabulate the carbon footprint of a variety of products.
That was the idea behind the Kyoto protocol, which aims to cut greenhouse-gas emissions by getting countries to accept binding targets with timetables attached.
The talks began on Tuesday with poor nations demanding that rich ones agree to a second round of legally binding greenhouse gas emission reduction commitments under an updated Kyoto Protocol.
The last time the world tried to get the country's cooperation on the issue was in 1997, during negotiations for the Kyoto Protocol (the international treaty on limiting greenhouse-gas emissions).
The Kyoto Protocol, which caps greenhouse-gas emissions in Europe and Japan up to 2012, includes market-based mechanisms to promote the reduction of emissions at the lowest cost.
De Boer pointed out that the 1997 Kyoto protocol, the world's existing treaty on greenhouse gas emissions, took several years to finalise and to come into force.
The Kyoto Protocol, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, runs out at the end of 2010.
The move may help Britain to belatedly meet its Kyoto protocol promise to pass on low-carbon technology to help poorer countries reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
英国在《京都议定书》中承诺,将和不发达国家分享低碳技术(low-carbon technology)以帮助它们降低温室气体的排放,此次姗姗来迟的行动将帮助英国完成这一承诺。
The Kyoto Protocol was proposed in 1997 as a means of working towards a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and the halting of long-term climate change.
The flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol provide for transferable credits derived from greenhouse gas emission reduction projects.
Developed nations are under intense pressure to agree to deep 2020 cuts in greenhouse gas emissions to try to seal an agreement at the end of this year that will replace the Kyoto Protocol.
The Kyoto Protocol obliges 35 industrialized countries to cut their greenhouse gas emissions, it was due to expire at the end of the year.
The Kyoto Protocol (hereinafter referred to as "Protocol"), as an international convention, sets binding limits on industrialized nations" greenhouse gas emissions.
The protocol, which formally took force last year, calls on industrial countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by a combined average of 5.5 percent below 1990 levels.
The protocol, which formally took force last year, calls on industrial countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by a combined average of 5.5 percent below 1990 levels.