Blade Material: The Journeyman Smith may test with any forged steel of his or her choice except Damascus.
While the journeyman Pachulia's populist campaign seemed to resonate with fans, his 5.5 points and 6.0 rebounds apparently didn't move the needle in voting among players and media members.
And that, for all the brouhaha which rightly accompanies the passage from journeyman to master, is the ultimate point: practical control over what life can be made to do.
The choice was to be a journeyman developer or become a manager, and I've never wanted to be a manager — at least not a manager who went for an MBA and had ambitions to be a captain of industry.
The striker was just another Brazilian journeyman until he exploded last season at Wolfsburg following an unremarkable stint at French side le Mans.
Pity the big man. Many assume that sprouting to a 7-foot height alone should guarantee a career as an NBA journeyman at the very least.
They usually start out at half the pay of a journeyman, and the pay increases gradually as they move further along in the job and studies.
A third account tells of a Journeyman Protector from Concord Dawn named Jaster Mereel who adopted the mask and guise when he was convicted of treason.
Otherwise, you may end up with a troop of journeyman actors for whom this will be the highlight of their career.
In the winter he made wooden shoes, and then he had an assistant, a journeyman, who understood how to make the wooden shoes strong, and light, and graceful.
Berlocq might be a relative journeyman of the sport at 28 and with a career-high ranking of 50, but he did little wrong against Djokovic.
Torres is a world-class striker being forced to operate like a lower-league journeyman, even if his form has been at that standard since the summer.
Torres is a world-class striker being forced to operate like a lower-league journeyman, even if his form has been at that standard since the summer.