The last movie star died Wednesday.
'Harry Potter' star Daniel Radcliffe broke down in tears while filming the last scene for the final instalment of the fantasy-adventure movie.
Daniel Radcliffe, who plays the wizard, and his co-star Emma Watson admit they are "devastated" that the movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, will be the last in the saga.
For the last 40 years of her life, Ms. Taylor became nothing but a celebrity, no longer a movie star.
'Harry Potter' star Daniel Radcliffe broke down in tears while filming the last scene for the final of the -adventure movie.
The movie star was penciled in to play the lead role but he had to cancel at the last minute.
The long awaited last episode of the Star Wars movie epic, Episode III: The Revenge of the SITH, exploded on an eager summer movie audience.
The long awaited last episode of the Star Wars movie epic, Episode III: The Revenge of the SITH, exploded on an eager summer movie audience.