The eighth chapter focuses on the speech act of news commentary. "Persuasion" in the news commentary discourse will be analyzed.
"Investigative news" section of this file TV-depth investigation, after 10 years of ups and downs, the news commentary program has become a typical success stories.
The Fox News Channel became a huge success in America by filling a gap in the market for conservative commentary.
Vlogger Amanda Congdon made a name for herself as the host of an online news commentary/humor show called Rocketboom, one of the Internet's most popular vlogs.
A commentary in today's Beijing News says that "more concrete measures should be taken to make school the safest place," and calls for severe punishment for the attackers.
The media provide information, entertainment, advertising, news, commentary, and persuasion.
News commentary, being the banner and soul of news media, occupies an important place in news communication.
In recent years, with the development of news commentary, the relation between "public intellectual" and media has been closer.
In addition to the economicsituation to write extensive financial commentary, also organized toparticipate in a large number of news monographic report, and obtained highreputation in the industry.
Like the function of public opinion and explanation, the critical function in the network news commentary plays an important role in the society.
Mid the enormous quantity of web information, the web news commentary has both the eye-attracting and heart-shaking effects.
TV news is the diversified displaying work of art, which is mainly composed by TV screen, paralanguage and commentary.
This paper aims to explore the textual function of English intonation by analyzing how a newsreader organizes the messages contained in a news commentary.
Responsible for collecting and issues the financial market and Froex market news, commentary etc.
People on the web view news, can not accept time, place, time limit and can independently in-depth understanding of all kinds of relevant information and commentary.
Chapter six and seven discusses the different ingredients, like different discourse subjects and language varieties, in news commentary discourse.
The "irrefutable" commentary is the application in news commentary of "reduction to absurdity" in comedy and the caricature in arts.
Chapter X demonstrates the value of news history of the Current Events Novels by collecting their news data and commentary their function on diffusion of news.
To gloat, divinely satisfying. The sequence of bad news from America and Europe has provoked its share of triumphalist commentary in Asia.
The guiding role of news commentary is more important in the interaction.
The TV Live News Broadcast is a broadcasting form which simultaneously broadcast the on-the-spot voice and image and journalists' commentary at the same time of the events happening.
This is a non-profit making current events or news Reporting, Criticism, and Review or commentary video in the form of edited videos.
本影片以剪辑影片的形式来报导或评论时事或新闻。本作品不是以盈利及商业为目的, 纯粹系一种个人意见或立场的表达或宣示。
Because of the diversity of television news commentary, the principal body style has also different forms. This paper sums up three types totally, and express advantages and disadvantages detailedly.
The official site with news, transfer rumours, online ticket sales, live match commentary, video highlights, player profiles, mobile content, wallpapers and more.
The official site with news, transfer rumours, online ticket sales, live match commentary, video highlights, player profiles, mobile content, wallpapers and more.