After that, feeling the need to explore further, I decided to drop in on one of ASL club's meetings.
Now whenever I hear of a friend who's lost a loved one, I no longer call with the polite offer, "If there's anything I can do…" Instead I try to think of one specific task that suits that man's need, like taking the dog to the boarding kennel, or house sitting during the funeral.
Holland, one of the writers of the study, says, "I believe there is hope, but humans need to act quickly to make that hope come true."
After all, no one else ever tells me that I look tired or that I need to go see the dentist.
One said: "I read the story of a hangman's job in your paper, please help me I really need that job."
One said: “I read the story of a hangman's job in your paper, please help me I really need that job.
On the first one, I put "for car registration" so I'll remember when I'm done transferring the insurance that I need to schedule a visit to the DMV.
In the discussion above about MDSD, I noted that one of the viewpoints — indeed, the first one to consider because of the need for complete functionality — is the logical viewpoint.
The third path now, almost invisible at first, has more and more unveiled over the last years. That path is the one I need to walk on.
The second solution is a large-grained one that returns all the information you need in a single invocation and ensures minimal effects due to network latency and system I/O.
第二种解决方案是粗粒度登录系统,它返回您在一次调用中需要的所有信息,并确保由于网络延迟和系统 I/O 带来的影响最小。
Dancing in all its forms cannot be excluded from the curriculum of all noble education: dancing with the feet, with ideas, with works, and, need I add that one must also be able to dance with the pen.
I think the one we all need to listen to is that from the medical people, who are saying that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to contract it in that way.
And I think Apple really, really need one to maintain the public perception that they are the company to compete with in this field.
It is the first one I recommend to new photographers and it is one that I refer to when I need a bit of a refresher.
"You wrote that the world doesn't need a savior," Superman himself tells Lois, "but every day I hear people crying for one."
I'll let you in on the answer to the last one that I offer, and that is there's no need to be a human being.
Smith: There is two aspects of harm. The one I was about to address was the question of whether parents need additional help in exercising the role that they have played throughout the history
Because I know how well he works, when I will need a quality logo he will be one of the persons that I will speak with.
I need at least two tests: one to see if the perfect Numbers report correctly and another to check that I don't get false positives. The unit tests are in Listing 2.
To correctly navigate to the intended node, I need to examine each of root's child nodes until I find one that is not a Text node and that has the name I'm looking for.
要正确浏览所希望的节点,需要检查每个root的子节点,直到找到非Text 的节点,并且那个节点有我正在查找的名称为止。
When I started thinking about the changes that would need to happen in order for me to transition from one life to the other, the fears within me started to multiply. I thought about things like.
I am the Chosen One. I have to kill him. I need that memory.
Well, I guess no one can help me but myself. For the moment, I just need someone to talk to, so that I can relieve my stress.
In that one, I found the material you want, but the aunt who had been unwilling to take my picture, and I need is through the photos to express my thoughts, the whole soul is the photo.
I do this one, it's a phone that gets charged by just the wind and so you don't need any electronic things.
I do this one, it's a phone that gets charged by just the wind and so you don't need any electronic things.