This process is termed "replacement" because solutions have dissolved the original material and replaced it with an equal volume of the new substance.
May be brought to life the original material …
There is no substitute for studying the original material.
At this point about half of the original material has been removed.
We are interested in the original material as a constructive element with soul.
The material evidence investigated and collected by the investigating personnel shall be the original material.
Due to the durability of the original material, the stainless steel cladding on the sides of the building was cleaned and retained.
Due to the durability of the original material, the stainless steel cladding on the sides of the building was cleaned and retained.
Three, use the expression, or will the original material, the term directly modified, or replace expressions, and not specified sources;
Aiming at minimum waste material, nesting is a process by which a series of horizontal graphics can be arranged on the original material.
A portion of material taken to represent the lot sample, or the original material, and used in the laboratory as a source of test specimens.
It is different from ordinary bituminous concrete pavement in selecting the original material, mixing the mixtures and the spreading in the site.
In micrographics, a measure of the remoteness of the copy from the original material, the first microfilm representation being the first generation microfilm.
In micrographics, a measure of the remoteness of the copy from the original material, the first microfilm representation being the first generation microfilm.
We have attempted to provide an accurate translation of the original material in English, but due to the difficulties of translation slight differences may exist.
We then publish both the news story and the original material in order to enable readers to analyse the story in the context of the original source material themselves.
In addition to the original material, each chapter includes excerpts drawn from various works, published and unpublished, by Dr. Murphy, to emphasize key points covered.
The uses of barium sulphate precipitated, the specification of the original material, the principle of production, process control point, product quantity are introduced.
The part we see these days was built during the Ming Dynasty, as the oldest parts have essentially disappeared and been rebuilt, replacing the original material of rammed earth.
我们今天看到的部分建于明代,因为最古老的部分实际上已经不存在了。 现在的部分是在原址上重建的,取代了原来的夯土材料。
Kerogen is the leftover material of sporopollen element and lignin in original bodies in different thermal metamorphic period and it is the original material of gas-oil formation.
The product design is exquisite, making sophisticated technology, follow the original material, composition, color and mounting, adopt modern high-tech digital technology seiko is made.
Russia is legally required to ensure that the re-enriched fuel and reprocessed waste is returned or properly disposed of, but only a small percentage of the original material gets sent back.
From the choice of the original material and matching ration design of the mixtures to the disease handling and construction quality controlling, all proceeded detailed researching and analysis.
Accredit the product design is exquisite, making sophisticated technology, follow the original material, composition, color and mounting, adopt modern high-tech digital technology seiko is made.
Strict hierarchies exist in each of the translation groups, with translators being promoted not simply for speed, which is vital, but judged on their faithfulness to the original material as well.
Strict hierarchies exist in each of the translation groups, with translators being promoted not simply for speed, which is vital, but judged on their faithfulness to the original material as well.