The fact that they had decided to come was interpreted as a positive sign.
A positive Brudzinski's sign occurs when flexion of the neck causes involuntary flexion of the knee and hip.
If they like it, use that positive feedback as motivation and as a sign that you're going in the right direction.
This attention to long-neglected diseases is a positive sign that health is a responsibility shared by the international community.
In Britain housing prices and consumer confidence have dipped. Unemployment figures fell in the three months ending in June, a positive sign, although long-term unemployment remains high.
So getting a cold may be a positive sign that your biochemical defenses are working normally - a glass-half-full view of getting the sniffles.
The fact that the financial markets support an iconic company like AT&T is making a big strategic move that can't help be anything but a positive sign.
The sign could be positive or negative.
Even happiness researchers will probably sign on; income doesn't raise income much, but the effect's still positive.
The first bit is the sign bit, 0 for positive and 1 for negative.
And real money supply last year was declining, so the fact that it has reversed is a positive sign.
The "Net Cash from Operating Activities" reveals that Microsoft generated $14.6 billion in positive cash flow from its usual business operations - a good sign.
I would give a positive speech urging them to do the right thing, then Mandela would demand that the parties sign on to his proposal.
These are all facts, and on their surface could be interpreted as a positive sign of the great emerging powers counter balancing Europe and the US.
Abbassian said one positive sign is that many countries are anticipating strong harvests, which could keep the domestic price of grain from rising more quickly.
But at this point in the business cycle, Labour force growth is a positive sign.
Another positive sign is the emphasis on infrastructure spending in many of the national fiscal stimulus packages.
In a positive sign, the peso surged after the announcement and prices of Mexican bonds strengthened.
When there's no explicit negative pattern, a leading minus sign is assumed in combination with the positive pattern.
In other words, without the dollar sign to anchor the end of the string, a very long string with a matching prefix, such as "martin1234-cruft," would yield a false positive.
换言之,没有美元符号锚定字符串的结尾,带有匹配前缀(例如 “martin1234-cruft”)的非常长的字符串将生成误判 (false positive)。
It is whether the sign correlates with the severity of myelopathy, and no consensus exists regarding the significance a positive sign in asymptomatic individuals.
Digital signs integrated into larger fixtures or landmark signs also drew a positive response, particularly in the context of well-designed complementary sign packages.
The new agreement is a positive sign of our cooperative bilateral relations. I believe this agreement will ensure the steady growth of chinese textile exports to my country.
The new agreement is a positive sign of our cooperative bilateral relations. I believe this agreement will ensure the steady growth of chinese textile exports to my country.