When the regional tourism resources have complementarity, two integrated lines may be formed in combination structure and tourism function.
The tourism resources of Shaoshan, Huaminglou and Wushi have similarities, but also have diversities and complementarities, which are the basic conditions of regional tourism cooperation.
In developing tourism and strengthening regional competition, Henan should bring the advantages of resources of historical culture into full play.
System and integration are two related concepts. The system of regional tourism resources may be integrated among factors, structure, function, relation and gradation.
In light of the characteristics of the assessment of regional tourism resources, the assessment system of regional tourism resources is constituted.
Part 4 is the study to the regional overview. Outlines the physical geography, tourism resources, tourism industry, etc. Part 5 is applied research.
Part 4 is the study to the regional overview. Outlines the physical geography, tourism resources, tourism industry, etc. Part 5 is applied research.