The origin of mankind, there are two theories, a view that human beings are created by God, and the other is the theory of evolution elaborated in Australopithecus evolved.
Evolutionary Psychology was based on the theory of evolution, and it using adaptive point of view to explain human psychological mechanisms and their behaviors.
Adopt the evolution theory and absorb the new achievements of molecule biology, sociobiology gives a new perspective and method for human nature research.
The first section reviews historical evolution of Marx's theory of human and nature, according to the principle of integration of logic and history.
As an integrated discipline focusing on studies of the formation and evolution of the complex open system, self-organizing theory has been widely applied to human science.
The Computational verb theory, which USES evolution functions to model the dynamic facets of human thinking, has solved the problem of modeling dynamics in natural languages.
The Computational verb theory, which USES evolution functions to model the dynamic facets of human thinking, has solved the problem of modeling dynamics in natural languages.