These worms were photographed at the University of Hamburg in Hamburg, Germany.
He eventually got a position at the University of Hamburg where he was a Professor of Physics.
At the University of Hamburg, Schleicher studied physics. He had no interest in his father's field, considering it too soft.
The paper builds on earlier research by Ryan, Netta Weinstein, a psychologist at the University of Hamburg, Germany, and others showing that people are more caring and generous when exposed to nature.
这篇论文是基于ryan和NettaWeinstein的早期研究而作,Netta Weinstein,德国汉堡大学的心理学家,其他研究显示,当人们接触自然是会变的更有同情心,更大方。
Michael Funke of Hamburg University and Holger Strulik of the Leibniz University in Hanover are two of the many economists who have studied Germany’s reunification.
Combining the experience of the laboratory of Hamburg University, Germany, the author made some tries in the question forms, open teaching, etc. And feasible suggestion was put forward.
Combining the experience of the laboratory of Hamburg University, Germany, the author made some tries in the question forms, open teaching, etc. And feasible suggestion was put forward.