He became professor of mathematics at the University of Manchester at 24, where he remained for twelve years.
Dr. Susanne Shultz, an evolutionary biologist from the University of Manchester, said the study was praiseworthy in seeking to enrich our knowledge of the evolution of human language.
A study by the University of Manchester calculated the emissions of CO2—the main greenhouse gas responsible for climate change—at every stage of microwaves, from manufacture to waste disposal.
Researchers at the University of Manchester are aiming to find out why.
And now, scientists at the University of Manchester are using a robot as a laboratory partner.
The University of Manchester team plan to investigate the role other genes may play in the disease.
This is the website for the Cell Adhesion and Extracellular Matrix Centre in the University of Manchester.
Astronomers at the University of Manchester announced they have found a planet made of just that, diamonds.
Scientists at the University of Manchester have discovered what is believed to be the smallest fossil ever found.
Now scientists from the University of Manchester have worked out what makes these secretions so good at killing germs.
This is Pengfei Ding, a 1st year PhD student of the University of Manchester, studying particle physics (aka high energy physics).
This is Pengfei Ding, a 2nd year PhD student of the University of Manchester, studying particle physics (aka high energy physics).
A quote from David put out by the University of Manchester saying "there is nothing in the natural environment that can cause cancer."
Dr Phil Manning, a palaeontologist at the University of Manchester, describes the find as ‘gobsmackingly amazing’ and also ‘bloody useful’.
Dr Jaclyn Smith, a doctor of respiratory medicine at the University of Manchester who specialises in cough measurement, told Discovery.com
Called rehydroxylation dating, the technique was recently developed by researchers at the University of Manchester and the University of Edinburgh.
In 1948 he moved to the University of Manchester to work on the Manchester Mark I, then emerging as one of the world's earliest true computers.
So the University of Manchester developed a low-cost test that shows whether or not a chemical is likely to be made into an effective medicine.
This was an unexpected find, "says isotope geochemist and co-author Christopher Ballentine of the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom."
This is Pengfei Ding's personal website. I am a 2nd year PhD student of the University of Manchester, studying particle physics (aka high energy physics).
Funding also worries Ruth Itzhaki of the University of Manchester. She is the lead author of a striking paper in the latest issue of the Journal of Pathology.
However, such movement is an indicator of a working nervous, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system, says Alexander Heazell at the University of Manchester, UK.
In 2004, Andre Geim at the University of Manchester made a pencil scrawl on a sheet of paper, then used a length of Sellotape to pull off the graphite deposits.
In 1948 he moved to the University of Manchester to work, largely on software, on the Manchester Mark I, then emerging as one of the world's earliest true computers.
Dr Jay Kennedy, an historian and philosopher of science at the University of Manchester, found Plato used a regular pattern of symbols to give his writing a "musical" structure.
杰·肯尼迪(Jay Kennedy)博士,英国曼彻斯特大学的历史学家和科学哲学家,发现柏拉图在其作品中使用了有规律的符号,从而赋予了它“音乐”的结构。
Dr Jay Kennedy, an historian and philosopher of science at the University of Manchester, found Plato used a regular pattern of symbols to give his writing a "musical" structure.
杰·肯尼迪(Jay Kennedy)博士,英国曼彻斯特大学的历史学家和科学哲学家,发现柏拉图在其作品中使用了有规律的符号,从而赋予了它“音乐”的结构。