Then, I would reply sadly again: all I interested in is theoretical Economics.
The natural resource economics is developed based on natural resource science and theoretical economics.
Currently the school offers 2 postdoctoral mobile stations of Theoretical Economics and Applied Economics ;
The natural resources economics is established on the basis of natural resources science and theoretical economics.
Many would say that the move towards impenetrable theoretical models has alienated economics from a wider audience.
A new theoretical paper in the Journal of Public Economics even suggests that a tax on junk food could increase obesity, especially among physically active people.
Economics is empirically oriented: it USES the tools of statistical and econometric analysis to test theoretical predictions against economic data.
As a new theoretical discipline, law and economics has yet to be further improved.
Dealing charge theory of modern western economics, information asymmetry theory, and gaming theory provided fine theoretical explanation for the generation of credit.
Then, tracing to its source, explains the economics theoretical foundation of the consumer credit, that is, time-favor theory, life-cycle hypothesis and permanent-income theory.
What is production, how much should be the output, how to produce and for whom is production intended-these are three basic theoretical problems pertaining to economics.
Contemporary Western economics and Capital (Das Capital) bear similarities but also differences on theoretical models in attempting to solve the three major problems.
The Core Competence is an theoretical integration of management and economics.
It publishes original theoretical and applied papers in all fields of economics, finance, and management.
These basic specific features constitute two theoretical prerequisite for Special Zone Economics.
By applying the theory of system change of the new institutional economics, some necessary facts and theoretical basis can be provided for the change.
This thesis analyzes the problem on incentive and disciplinary to modem enterpriser by utilizing the theoretical system of Modern Economics, Managerial Economics and Accountancy.
The theoretical foundation of limitation on intellectual property can be analyzed in terms of jurisprudence, law and economics.
Accordingly, the destination image marketing theoretical foundation of the travel is expanded from the marketing theory, economics theory to the public management theory and dissemination theory.
Analyzing the point method through the two views of economics and management provides it theoretical basic and scientific instruct.
From "Veblen, s tradition" to Commons, notion of "Transaction", to Coase "Costof Transaction" and "Coase Theorem", legal economics has had a solid theoretical basis.
The introduction of brand changes the position and shape of demand curve, which is the theoretical foundation of brand economics.
In this paper, in a weak condition, it details a rational theory and in order to better provide a theoretical reference to modern economics.
There were theoretical and empirical studies based on industrial organization economics, transaction cost theory, etc. in analysis of the theory and method of the scale of the firm in the past.
The theoretical logic presupposition of neoclassic economics is essentially materialistic beneficial doctrine which can not also explain numerous economic facts.
The theory of human needs is the theoretical basis and logical startingpoint of many subjects such as economics and management.
Taking advantage of theoretical tools of the western new institutional economics , this paper reviews and analyses cooperative education mechanism of foreign higher vocational education.
Taking advantage of theoretical tools of the western new institutional economics , this paper reviews and analyses cooperative education mechanism of foreign higher vocational education.