According to agency theory, the cause of enterprise incurring debt is to ease up the conflict between the management and shareholders and limit equity agency cost by debt.
Then according to how dividend influences the market value of company, it illustrates signal transfer theory, agency cost theory and clientele effect theory.
From the prospect of agency theory, traditional internal auditing department is a cost center.
The theory of information transition and agency cost argues that debt and dividend in incentive contract can mitigate adverse selection and moral hazard, and can be replaced by each other.
It in further explains the reasons in the perspective of agency theory, transaction cost theory and strategic management literature.
This paper analyzes dividend policy of China's listed companies from the perspective of agency-cost theory.
The agency cost theory holds that the aim of paying cash dividends for listed companies is to reduce the agency cost which comes from the separation of ownership and management.
The agency cost theory holds that the aim of paying cash dividends for listed companies is to reduce the agency cost which comes from the separation of ownership and management.