As the originator of the theory of evolution, Darwin believed that the universal recognition of facial expressions would have survival value.
A young English botanist named Charles Darwin, the author of the theory of evolution, was the first European to see alerces, with trunks that had a circumference of 130 feet.
This criticism applies to many believers in evolution who are not actually workers in the field, as well as those who reject the theory.
So, antibiotics are fine, but the theory of evolution is not.
One theory is that, over millennia of evolution, our immune systems got used to worms. So if you take them away, the immune system runs wild, as it has nothing to work against.
An "interview" with Charles Darwin in which he describes how he became a student of nature, his initiation into the theory of evolution, and his religious scruples.
The findings provide support for a 200-year-old theory of evolution that has been largely dismissed: Lamarckian evolution, which states that acquired characteristics can be passed on to offspring.
For example, fossil records, DNA evidence and biogeography are connected under the theory of evolution.
Any scientist would say that evolution is a theory, just as gravity, general relativity, the Big Bang, and so forth are theories.
The poll found that 25% of Britons believe Charles Darwin's theory of evolution is "definitely true", with another quarter saying it is "probably true".
Back in England, Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution were busily uprooting the Garden of Eden.
So when scientists talk aboutthe theory of evolution — or the atomic theory or the theory ofrelativity, for that matter — they are not expressing reservationsabout its truth.
The hygiene hypothesis has its roots in the theory of evolution, he said.
Darwin's genius-and, yes, genius is the right word-is manifest in the way his theory of evolution can tie together disparate biological facts into a single unifying framework.
But in the bicentennial year of Darwin's birth Mr Dawkins fills a gap in his oeuvre by setting out the evidence that the “theory” of evolution is a fact—“as incontrovertible a fact as any in science”.
Rather, it's about the opposite: why are the vast, vast majority of biologists so convinced of validity of the theory of evolution?
That is a great deal less than the general theory of the mechanics of evolution that the Darwinists suppose that natural selection provides.
There are many variations on the basic theory of co-evolution.
The islands that inspired Charles Darwin's theory of evolution are being loved to death.
The book was “On the Origin of Species”. And the challenge was the theory of evolution by natural selection.
Charles Darwin in a file image. More Americans believe in a literal hell and the devil than Darwin's theory of evolution, according to a new Harris poll released on Thursday.
Students learn the basics, that evolution is both theory and fact and, crucially, that it serves as a way of looking at the world that provides deep predictive and explanatory power.
It is a philosophy that grew up after Darwin published his theory of evolution and the Civil War reached its bloody end.
One theory is that the glaciation was triggered by the evolution of large cells, and possibly also multicellular organisms, that sank to the seabed after dying.
The latest chapter in the long and controversial history of evolution theory was written this week in the form of two votes.
That geographic and technological evolution, in theory, should make adapting to the disaster in Japan easier for corporate supply chains.
This finding bolsters the so-called gestural theory of language evolution, whose proponents argue that language evolved initially as a gesture system before becoming vocal.
这个发现奠定了语言进化中所谓的手势理论。 这个理论的拥护者主张,语言在成为一种发声的表达方式之前是由手势表达系统演化而来的。
The emerging theory has a nifty, Darwinist buzzword: co-evolution.
And the challenge was the theory of evolution by natural selection.
These are the creatures that provided Darwin with the flash of imagination that led to his theory of evolution.