Ethyl mercury, as thiomersal, is excreted rapidly from the body, mostly disappearing within 5-6 days.
硫柳汞是一种乙基汞,可以迅速排出体外,多数在5 - 6天内消失。
Is there research ongoing to evaluate the relative effectiveness of alternative preservatives to thiomersal?
Thiomersal, however, contains ethyl mercury, not methyl mercury, and ethyl and methyl mercury are quite different.
In their presentation, the authors hypothesize that thiomersal, a mercury-containing preservative may be the cause of the association.
Thiomersal does not contain methyl mercury, which is a naturally-occurring compound and whose toxic effects on humans have been well studied.
On that basis the GACVS considers that pharmacokinetic and developmental studies undertaken do not support concerns over the safety of thiomersal in vaccines.
Organic mercury compounds (thiomersal (ethyl mercury) and phenyl mercuric salts) are used as cosmetic preservatives in eye makeup cleansing products and mascara.
Removing thiomersal completely from vaccines would require either using alternative preservatives or using preservative-free single dose vaccines exclusively.
It has assessed the validity of animal models in studying hypothetical associations between thiomersal and neuro-developmental disorders (such as autism) in humans.
Thiomersal contains a different form of mercury (i.e. ethyl mercury, which does not accumulate, is metabolized and removed from the body much faster than methyl mercury).
Thiomersal is a compound used to prevent bacterial and fungal growth in some inactivated (in which the virus has been killed) vaccines provided to countries in multi-dose vials.
In this context, WHO is concerned about the potential inclusion of vaccines in the scope of the treaty given the lack of evidence that thiomersal presents a risk to human health.
Thiomersal is a compound containing ethyl mercury used to prevent bacterial and fungal growth in inactivated (in which the virus has been killed) vaccines presented in multi-dose vials.
Some products can have "traces" of thiomersal when the chemical is used during the production process as an antibacterial agent, which is later removed during the purification process.
WHO does not have a research programme for evaluating alternatives to the use of thiomersal in vaccines, given the lack of scientific evidence suggesting that there is a need to do so.
The Committee has concluded that there is no reason on grounds of safety to change current immunization practices with thiomersal-containing vaccines, as the alleged risks are unproven.
Live vaccines, such as oral poliovirus vaccine; yellow fever vaccine; and measles, mumps and rubella vaccines, do not contain thiomersal, because it would kill the immunizing component.
Vaccines that contain thiomersal include those against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTP), hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), rabies, influenza and meningococcal diseases.
During the 2010-2011 influenza season, more than 90 million doses of thiomersal-containing influenza vaccine in multi-dose vials were distributed for the vaccination of American citizens.
在2010- 2011年的流感季节,九千多万剂以多剂量瓶提供的含硫柳汞流感疫苗被分发出去,用于美国公民的免疫接种。
On the basis of the foregoing, the GACVS concluded that the most recent pharmacokinetic and developmental studies do not support concerns over the safety of thiomersal (ethyl mercury) in vaccines.
Although a formal environmental impact assessment has not yet been done, it should not be assumed that thiomersal-free presentations of vaccines will yield a positive net effect on the environment.
Although a formal environmental impact assessment has not yet been done, it should not be assumed that thiomersal-free presentations of vaccines will yield a positive net effect on the environment.