The presence of an extra rib or hypertrophied muscles of the shoulder or neck can make this even tighter and when the arm is lifted, the vessels can be blocked.
This now looks less of an advantage than it once did (and not just because it is Americans who arm and finance the Mexican drug gangs).
All he can say is, This is his shirt. He holds out an arm so she can see the gaping sleeve.
This belief in the power of a name is linked to a belief that a name is part of one's being just like an arm or a leg.
An example of this is a javelin thrower, who may be vulnerable to arm and shoulder injuries.
Based on the fully analysis of old system, this paper proposes an entirely new solution which is based on ARM embedded system.
This is due to the fact that I have included an ARM executable in the APK.
This means that the relative distance apart of two planets which are in an aspect of, say, a trine is simply root 3 times the man's outstretched arm length.
In this article, it is emphasized, through explanations and analysis that the correct position of head and the free arm plays an important part in casting techniques.
This is an analysis and generalization on hanging type, wire, lead elevation, structure rise, arm stay, phase splitting pattern, OCL post foundation of Qin-Shen Passenger Dedicated line OCL.
In this paper, an efficient method of joint trajectory planning for multi-arm robots capturing a common object is developed, having considered the dynamic constraint of the system.
The dual arm robot collision free motion planning is regarded as searching a set of data in the CSDB. With this method, an optimum trajectory would be found.
The purpose of this paper is to study persistent currents in the triple-arm ring with an impurity by using quantum waveguide theory.
In this paper, a new kind of continuous reactive power compensator based on soft switching is introduced and an ARM-based controller is designed.
For the widely-used simple UAV system, an embedded Flight-Control system based on ARM processor is presented in this paper. Minimum sensors are hired for the demand of low-cost and universal purpose.
In this dissertation, an Embedded Application System Based on ARM S3C2410X is proposed as well as designed. It is connected with the GPS, and realizes the getting information of the position in GPS.
本文提出并研究设计了一种基于ARM处理器s3c 2410x的嵌入式应用系统,完成了系统的整体设计,并实现了GPS系统的连接,获取到了GPS定位信息。
This again is a guy, he went into town to salvage, I feel he descend a long time, finally he float in when I saw his hand and an arm.
An energy calibration instrument based on the chip CS5460A and ARM MPU is proposed in this paper. It can measure three-phase electric parameters, and detect the precision of other instruments.
Therefore, the swimmers arm stroke becomes similar to an airplane's propeller. Studies of Olympic caliber swimmers show that this is indeed the case.
Therefore, the swimmers arm stroke becomes similar to an airplane's propeller. Studies of Olympic caliber swimmers show that this is indeed the case.