It was too expensive, to say nothing of the time it wasted.
It is not difficult to design XML with good grammar and good style, and doing so will save a lot of time and effort in the long run — to say nothing of how it will affect performance.
At the same time, nothing in Honolulu or Cambridge or Chicago taught Obama what Clinton learned in Arkansas: how to reach out to these people and to know what, and what not, to say to them.
Buffett previously said he would have nothing further to say about Sokol's actions, a stance that became untenable over time given the intense pressure on the conglomerate.
"Every time I go to a party or an event with classmates, I feel like I have nothing to say and am always the one being left out," said Chen.
When you see all this you see that to a certain, this is 8, that nothing happen other than it does is just to say that time matter is what it is.
The Cocktail party appears to be a comedy of manners and shows how people at such a party talk all the time but say nothing.
And let me tell you on a personal level, there's nothing more refreshing than dealing with people who take the time to prepare what they have to say and back it up with clear examples.
Next time your partner says 'What's up ? ' resolve not to say ' Nothing ' . Learn to speak your mind firmly but tactfully and improve those important communication skills.
My sad face whispered to the father said: "Dad, didn't do well in writing. " "Well, it's fine. Next time, try hard…" If Dad had nothing to say.
(nothing but) During his three-year stay in Japan, he did nothing but make money by working in restaurants. When it was time to return, he could hardly say a correct sentence in Japanese.
The time now a lot, but I do not know where to begin with, often have nothing to say.
But I want to say seven days is a week, in a week's time, you can do a lot of things, you also can do nothing, just quiet meditation.
Most of the time people choose silence, not because have nothing to say, but just because have no way to start.
This is nothing new. Every time your father gets stationed at a new Air Force base, you have to say goodbye to your friends and start a new life.
You've wasted eight hours' time, to say nothing of the material.
Some may say, well, this is nothing to get excited about, because corruption exists in every country, at any time. I agree.
We talked for a long time, or to be precise, I listened for a long time, for in fact, there's nothing I could say.
I figure4 nothing that is happening to5 me at the time could be as bad as having to say goodbye.
I figure nothing that is happening to me at the time could be as bad as having to say goodbye.
I don't want to feel that I am hanging on through sheer reluctance to admit the situation that lies, when much, much time may go by with nothing to report or even say at all.
At that time his compunction, had nothing to say in reply very much to own family member, this mood I was very can understand.
There's nothing else to say... if it is time for any band to be back - it is LMF.
The cash savings alone are totally worth it, to say nothing of the amount of extra time we have in any given day.
钱完全值得单独存起来,我们在任意某天的额外时间就更别说了。 电影结束我们也结束,不用再去和电视机相处时从这个频道切换到那个频道。
Nothing is forever... and the time comes when we all must say goodbye to the world we knew.
Nothing is forever... and the time comes when we all must say goodbye to the world we knew.