Beijing's new international airport to be put into operation in 2019 will serve 72 million passengers annually.
Before the electrical current puts into operation in a spark plug, the two points of contact have to be gapped.
Prisons are no longer the grim forbidding places they used to be. Social welfare systems are in operation in many parts of the world.
It is not anticipated that many version 1 registries will remain in operation as most will be upgrading to support version 2.
Accessing a user's position is an expensive operation (you might be reaching out to a satellite in space!) and it requires the consent of the user, thus it is an asynchronous operation.
An "undo" feature can be added to this framework relatively easily. An undo operation can be added to ICommand and implemented in each ConcreteCommand.
Lastly, you can save these mappings to file that can be used in another import operation.
Moreover, pydoc has the absolute genius of allowing itself to be used in multiple modes of operation (more on this shortly).
The first gsk7capicmd parameter is the type of operation to be performed. In this case, a key database operation.
In this operation, the user needs to be able to select a record from a list, then delete that record.
If text is input in an operation, a period (.) should be echoed to indicate the end of input.
In our exercise, you'll be using two more functions to do error processing after a database operation.
In this mode of operation it is important that a dialogue is underway to identify how the demand will be satisfied in the event the proposal becomes an approved project.
A block of code that must be executed in sequence and without interruption to guarantee correct operation of the software.
In some cases, you may be able to split the resizing operation across multiple utilities.
You provide a value and the bitmask upon which the operation is to be performed, as shown in Listing 4.
使用这些操作前,需要提供一个值和将要进行操作的位掩码,如清单4 所示。
The station is expected to remain in operation until at least 2020, and potentially to 2028, when some Russian modules will be separated to form the OPSEK space station.
Therefore, in contrast to the first scenario, messages tend to be secondary and are developed in response to the requirements of an operation.
The string operation to be performed may result in different outputs, depending on the string length unit that is used for counting the characters.
If the security permission qualifier is specified, the identity of the caller must have the designated role in order to be permitted to call the interface or operation.
ERCP may be used before or after gallbladder surgery to assist in the performance of that operation.
In the portal environment, refreshing an entire page to deliver one functionality can be an expensive operation in terms of network resources and overall performance.
But western experts question why a legitimate operation would need to be concealed in a facility in a clandestine, underground site.
Various classes in the JNLP API library allow developers to use a system's resources in an untrusted environment, assigning the user the responsibility to decide if the operation should be permitted.
Name Name of the function (operation in WSDL) to be consumed.
There were already a couple of clinics in operation, and they seemed to be popular and successful in reducing out-of-wedlock births.
There were already a couple of clinics in operation, and they seemed to be popular and successful in reducing out-of-wedlock births.