We'll have to branch off shortly to get to the village.
If update errors occur the suggested course of action is to branch off and resolve them.
Do you not think then to branch off that subject a little that their upbringing is important too?
The HEAD stream is the main code stream that users should be integrating to (if they want to branch off on their own and then merge with the HEAD stream later, that's fine).
Now that you have a clean way to retrieve the list of courses and maintain that data in a context variable managed by Seam, it is time to branch off from the course listing.
As you know, Kate is taking off next week for our Taichung branch office. She has been promoted to regional Accounting Manager for Action's central and southern regions.
And she climbed up, and with the greatest ease broke off a branch with beautiful silver leaves and golden fruit, and gave it to the knight.
They like to go online and create their own stories that might branch off - especially now that it looks like J.K. Rowling might have finished, you know, for once and for all.
But 2007 proved to be the year when New Star climbed onto the branch of history and invited the gods to saw it off.
ESATA External Serial ATA is a branch off of the Serial ATA interface that connects your hard drive to your computer if it was put together in the last couple of years.
Well, she's made a conquest o 'the younger branch of us, straight off,' continued the matron to her husband, 'and she's a fool if she don't follow it up.'
In order to understand how they do what they do, Socha and his colleagues recently studied Chrysopelea paradisi snakes as they launched themselves off a branch at the top of a 15-meter-tall tower.
'Well, she's made a conquest o' the younger branch of us, straight off, 'continued the matron to her husband,' and she's a fool if she don't follow it up. '.
They winter, has never finished off the leaves, in any case have to leave some green on the top of the branch, let me lonely and cold in the winter of despair and do not feel lonely!
She suggested we grab a sheet, hold it under the branch Chris was hanging off, and tell him to drop so we can catch him.
'Well, she's made a conquest o' the younger branch of us, straight off, 'continued the matron to her husband,' and she's a fool if she don't follow it up.
That dead branch ought to be sawn off.
She tried to saw off a dead branch from a tree.
The superficial branch (circumflex branch) gives off branches to the left atrium, lateral and diaphragm wall of the left ventricle and part diaphragm wall of the right ventricle.
It is useless to cut off the branch of a tree if the roots are diseased.
The current method to branch wire from the cable trunk is to cut off the trunk line, and crimp two ends of trunk line and the required branch, and pack them, or to bind the branch line to trunk line.
As you know, Kate is taking off next week for Taichung branch office. She has been promoted to regional Accounting Manager for Action's central and southern regions.
He tried to saw off a dead branch from the tree.
It's more for letting me give back to the world some of the stuff I know how to do well, and branch out from my off-line business to possible new online businesses.
It's more for letting me give back to the world some of the stuff I know how to do well, and branch out from my off-line business to possible new online businesses.