He said, boot camp isn't designed to find the toughest people; it's to teach people that under the worst circumstances everyone will break.
This left Jacob all alone in the camp, and a man came and wrestled with him until the dawn began to break.
Then I remembered years ago, when a summer camp counselor had taught me a game to help break the ice among strangers: First you say something about yourself and then introduce the person next to you.
If you learn the rules of the boot camp, the boot camp won't break you, it will make you superior, it will make you stronger, it will cause you to grow-up into the person that you were created to be.
Late last month pole instructor Kay Penney led a fitness weekend at a holiday camp in southern England, bringing along 13 portable poles and a desire to break down boundaries.
Late last month pole instructor Kay Penney led a fitness weekend at a holiday camp in southern England, bringing along 13 portable poles and a desire to break down boundaries.