Are you sure to constrict the picture database?
Losing nitric oxide could, in theory, cause vessels to constrict and clots to form.
The drug causes blood vessels to constrict, and may prevent blood from reaching vital organs.
A bright monitor also causes your pupils to constrict, giving the eyes a greater range of focus.
"Oxidative stress can also cause arteries to constrict by destroying nitric oxide," Prof Griffith warned.
While the internet is more widely available and faster than ever, artificial barriers threaten to constrict its growth.
The whole idea behind the squeezing material is to constrict the human body into a smaller space than gravity would allow.
Blood that is poor in nitric oxide will scavenge the gas from other tissues, causing the vessels in those tissues to constrict.
The drink may chill the air in your sinuses and cause the blood vessels in the nasal cavity near your forehead to constrict, creating pain similar to a migraine.
Increased levels of circulating caffeine may block adenosine's action, causing blood vessels to constrict, subsequently triggering a heart attack, says El-Sohemy.
By decreasing the ability of the airways to constrict, this new treatment has been shown to help patients with severe asthma gain substantially better control over their disease.
The operative principle: is resection of the superficial jugular vein and the infoding suture of the internal jugular vein, so as to constrict the inside diameter of the blood vessel.
In roughly one-third of SAH victims, the blood vessels suddenly constrict, slowing the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the brain and causing a condition known as delayed ischemia.
To conserve blood that will be needed by muscles, skin vessels constrict while vessels of the muscles dilate.
When exposed to the same freezing temperature, the blood vessels in women's fingers constrict more than men's do, which is why they turn white more quickly.
Under the international situation, we must adjust our present death sentence system and strictly constrict death sentence to better adapt to international environment and criminal legislative system.
Poor posture can constrict or put pressure on organs, restricting blood flow to them and inhibiting their proper functioning.
To establish mathematical model, various nonlinear factors are seriously considered, which can constrict the error between result of computer simulation after theoretical analysis and result of test.
There are also muscles that line the walls that involuntarily constrict to move food along the intestine till it enters the colon where absorption of nutrients nearly ceases.
The endothelium is surrounded by the media—a layer of smooth muscle cells that can constrict the blood vessels restrict blood flow or dilate it to let more blood through.
To conserve blood that will be needed by muscles, skin vessels constrict while vessels of the muscles dilate.
When that security slips away, they are more likely to turn to things like protectionism that, over time, may constrict economic growth overall.
When that security slips away, they are more likely to turn to things like protectionism that, over time, may constrict economic growth overall.