So, in spite of the fact that teacher is like candle burning at both ends, you need to be willing to get burnt with smiles in tears.
They misjudge people around them and they get burnt when those people turn out to be not as good as they thought they were.
Several of the Russian officers clambered up on to the wall of the burnt house by which Pierre stood so as to get a better view.
And the Human Torch also has to be nude before flying on fire like a rocket so that his clothes will not get burnt away...... All above make them the Fantastic Four.
The beach can be a great way to cool down in summer, but be careful not to get sun-burnt by using a sun cream with a sun Protection factor of at least 15 (SPF 15 +).
By contrast, paper tends to get torn, stained, burnt, soaked and lost.
I got my fingers burned once and I don't want to get them burnt again.
If the circuit board was burnt out, unable to open the doors, the passengers can get off from the nearest window.
But if we have to repulse them, and the daggers once get drawn among such throngs of people, we are likely to have the place burnt down before nightfall.
But if we have to repulse them, and the daggers once get drawn among such throngs of people, we are likely to have the place burnt down before nightfall.