Recipients simply add the credit to their account or sell it on to shops that sell the Numbers at a slight discount from the original.
Sp_update_acct (updates the balance on an account to reflect a buy or sell of stock).
Companies often sell products or services to customers on credit; these obligations are held in the current assets account until they are paid off by the clients.
Coca-Cola, for instance, has an entrepreneurship programme called “5 by 20” that aims to increase the number of women who distribute and sell the drink on their own account to 5m by 2020.
The firm started to sell $4.1 billion of “E-Mini” futures contracts based on the S&P 500 index through an algorithmic trade, taking account only of volume, not time or price.
Consignee shall accept possession of the Products on consignment, and shall sell the Products for DMS 'account at such list price (s) as Consignee may establish or authorize from time to time.
Consignee shall accept possession of the Products on consignment, and shall sell the Products for DMS 'account at such list price (s) as Consignee may establish or authorize from time to time.