Most of the text has a very smooth edge and does not appear choppy at all, but that's not the case for the small text at the top and bottom of the page.
In the case of a plane, it's the difference in pressure on the top and bottom of its wings that keeps the craft afloat.
The brushed-black aluminum top case and soft-touch bottom case make it comfortable to hold - as well as a stylish complement to your living room.
Use case scenario comparing top-down and bottom-up Web services development.
The silicon iPad case shows a space for a rear-facing camera at the top, and a speaker grille on the bottom rear side.
In the case studies we tried both bottom-up and top-down approaches and both worked well.
In case the mold cannot be installed from the machine top because of the height limit of the clean room, a higher mold can be assembled and disassembled by the bottom upward way easily.
In my case, I have 2 images, one at the top first element on the screen and at the bottom last element added to the screen.
The press stamps the brass repeatly to shape both the top and the bottom parts of the case.
The pressure fluid supply pipe (58) penetrates - through a bottom surface of the outer case (57) and a top end thereof is positioned in a space between the outer case (57) and the inner case (56).
The pressure fluid supply pipe (58) penetrates - through a bottom surface of the outer case (57) and a top end thereof is positioned in a space between the outer case (57) and the inner case (56).