The author presents some practical ways and methods which may be adopted in strengthening the training of scientific research ability of college students based on the experience summed up in thi…
Objective To improve nurses' ability and positivity of scientific research through the systematic training of research knowledge.
Writing lessons for graduation thesis of the science of law are important lessons for training university students' of law specialty scientific research and actual work ability.
Therefore, it still needs a further research weather or not ACE gene can be used as a genetic marker of physical exercise ability and used in training and the scientific selection of athletes.
Reasonable introduction of scientific research elements in the geological field-exercises will help to sequentially promote the scientific research ability training process for undergraduates.
Training for the comprehensive ability of future personnel depends on whether teachers teaching in colleges and universities and scientific research ability is high or low.
Training for the comprehensive ability of future personnel depends on whether teachers teaching in colleges and universities and scientific research ability is high or low.