Most Fried foods at restaurants contain trans fat - a type of fatty acid that is bad for your cardiovascular system.
Keep trans fatty acid consumption as low as possible by limiting foods that contain synthetic sources of trans fats, such as partially hydrogenated oils, and by limiting other solid fats.
Furthermore, low or zero trans fatty acid fat can be obtained by interesterfication reaction or with the raw material of low polyunsaturated acid oilseed by genetically modified technology.
Control of their saturated fat and trans fatty acid intake, because trans fatty acids increase cholesterol.
The structure of fatty acids, can be changed by hydrogenation, high temperature for long time, etc. , and cis fatty acid is fatty acid is turned to trans fatty acid (TFA).
Saturated fatty acid and trans fatty acid in Fried food were higher than non-fried food; polyunsaturated fatty acid and cis fatty acid of Fried food was lower than non-fried food.
The effects of deodorizing temperature and time on the content of trans fatty acid in lard were studied.
The effect of deodorizing temperature and time on the content of trans fatty acid in rice bran oil was studied.
Objective To investigate the content of trans fatty acid in food by using gas chromatography.
Therefore, not all trans fatty acid isomers have the same physiological effects which may vary in different isomers.
For fat and oil industry, it also means a chang start-to reduce the trans fatty acid content of the food.
For fat and oil industry, it also means a chang start-to reduce the trans fatty acid content of the food.