And the mass for scalar particles is mainly given by generalized reduction on trivial group.
In group reviews, you can focus on design issues without being side-tracked by trivial and embarrassing coding errors and inconsistencies.
Is all this to end in trivial horror because so few are able to think of Man rather than of this or that group of men?
It is by no means an entirely trivial or small standard; version 1.1 of ODF is a 738-page document, and the group developing it does not consider it complete or final yet.
它绝不是无足轻重的小型标准;odf 1.1版是一个共738页的文档,开发组认为它还没有完全完成。
“A small group of youths are carrying guns, wearing colours and killing each other over trivial disputes,” says George Kelling of the School of Criminal Justice at Rutgers University.
The group has so monopolized all of the members' perceptions with trivial demands that members lose their perspective as to the enormity of the situation they are in.
Nestle is the world's elite group of food, her distributor, of course, is no trivial matter.
Nestle is the world's elite group of food, her distributor, of course, is no trivial matter.